Northern Pines Internships
Northern Pines Mental Health Center is committed to the academic training of a professional workforce and supports higher education in a number of ways:
We offer Paid Internships.
The agency subscribes to a “grow our own” practice of encouraging current employees to return to colleges and universities for advanced training and credentials.
Promotes and advances those employees who have demonstrated increased skill sets and abilities.
Provides continued education opportunities to all staff.
Actively participates in the MN Association of Community Mental Health Centers.
Northern Pines Mental Health Center partners with colleges and universities to assist in preparing students for direct practice.
The agency hosts a variety of internships, field placements and practicums to provide opportunities for students to develop professional skills and abilities.
Internships | Field Placements | Practicums
If you are interested in a field placement, internship or practicum with Northern Pines Mental Health Center, please review the process for application.
The agency hosts bachelor’s degree and master’s degree students from the following accredited programs of Social Work, Psychology, and Marriage and Family Therapy. The catchment area of Northern Pines reaches a 6-county region: Cass, Crow-Wing, Aitkin, Todd, Morrison and Wadena counties. Northern Pines Mental Health Center offers a variety of services, provided by a variety of licensed mental health professionals, across this region. Refer to our Website for information about the various services our agency provides.
With this breadth of services in this expansive geographical region, we cannot predict what supervision may be available, or what program may be able to host a student at any given time. We do our best to partner student and their learning goals with opportunities to learn from highly qualified mentors. An internship placement involves significant staff time for orientation, introduction and familiarization to our agency, practices, policies and programs, a minimal level of involvement is at least 16 hours per week, for at least 3-months’ time.
The vast majority of placements occur in August, September, and May, with a few in December and a few in March. Preparation for a placement involves: receipt and review of application/resume, consideration of potential placement sites and supervisors, arranging for an interview with student/supervisor, conducting the interview and considering the best student learning and programmatic fit, getting administrative approval for extending an offer to host, offering or declining to host an intern, acceptance and/or contracting for a field experience, submitting all necessary paperwork to our business office, arranging for a student to participate in an agency orientation and linking a student and supervisor for outlining a schedule and learning agreement. Please send all resumes and cover letters to careers@npmh.org.
Northern Pines Mental Health Center is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer.