Adult Residential Crisis Stabilization Services (RCS)
Adult Residential Crisis Stabilization Services provides a short-term, up to 10-day stay, safe environment, and supportive staff for those who:​
are 18 and older who have a mental health diagnosis
are experiencing a lapse in their functioning due to an increase in their mental health symptoms
are in an sub-acute crisis, have a sub-acute stressor, or is relapsing from a DSM-5 related mental illness
mental health crisis stabilization services are determined to be medically necessary but are medically stable
are not at imminent risk of suicide and he/she can contract for safety to self and others
have the ability to carry out functions of daily living, and provide self-care in completing all ADL’s
Referrals to Adult Residential Crisis Stabilization Services can be made 24/7 by a mental health professional or practitioner under clinical supervision or by contacting the Crisis Line at:
218-828-HELP (4357)
and requesting Mobile Crisis Outreach assessment.
To be filled out by a mental health professional or mental health practitioner under supervision
Intensive Residential Treatment Services provides a long-term, up to-90 day stay,
in a safe environment and with supportive staff for those who:
are adults age 18 and older who have a mental health diagnosis
have a Functional Assessments to determine at what level the individual's mental health and substance use are impacting their ability to function, three or more severe areas of need qualify for an IRTS placement
have a LOCUS (Level of Care Utilization Score) score of Level 5 (medically monitored residential services) for IRTS Placement
Referrals to Intensive Residential Treatment Services will be processed within 72 hours.
Referrals may be made online by clicking the link below
or call 218-454-3845 to request paper referral forms.
Intensive Residential Treatments Services (IRTS)
Safe Harbor utilizes a team approach consisting of a consulting psychiatrist, nurses,
mental health professionals, practitioners, and certified peer specialists.
Safe Harbor is staffed 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Interventions include:
Immediate needs assessment
Identifying the factors that lead to the crisis
Treatment planning
Supportive counseling
Skills training
Discharge planning
Family and other service provider collaboration
Problem solving
Goal setting
Learning stress management skills
Services Provided include:
Supportive environment
Medication administration
Healthy lifestyles education
Treatment rehabilitation & support
Illness management and recovery skills
Substance use screening, assessment and referrals
Social and interpersonal skills using the STEPPS model
Therapeutic recreation
Family education