COVID-19 and Family Conflict
By Holley Mathieu
Vaping and Drugs of Choice
By Officer Franz
Training Opportunities
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Suicide Prevention Trainings
QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention is a 1 hour educational, evidence based program designed to teach lay and professional "gatekeepers" the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to respond. Gatekeepers can include anyone who is strategically positioned to recognize and refer someone at risk of suicide (e.g., parents, friends, neighbors, teachers, coaches, caseworkers, police officers). Much like Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) or the Heimlich maneuver, the fundamentals of QPR are easily learned and can when applied save a life. The process follows three steps: (1) Question the individual's desire or intent regarding suicide, (2) Persuade the person to seek and accept help, and (3) Refer the person to appropriate resources.
This class is for those 18+, free of charge, open to the public. A certificate of completion is available following attendance. Virtual class size is limited to 20 attendees. In-person trainings are limited to 35 attendees. Please contact Destiny Brown at (218) 821-2501 or dbrown@npmh.org to schedule an in-person training for your agency.
Virtual trainings are subject to change, as the request for in-person trainings are scheduled.
Virtual training, date, and time:
Please email Destiny Brown at dbrown@npmh.org to register
1/4/2022, 2-3PM: QPR Gatekeeper Core (General Audience)
1/11/2022, 2-3PM QPR for Emergency Service Professionals (1 POST credit available for LEO)
1/13/2022, 11-noon: QPR for School Settings
1/18/2022, 2-3PM: QPR for Rural & Agricultural Communities
1/25/2022, 2-3PM: QPR Gatekeeper Core (General Audience)
1/27/2022, 11-noon: QPR for Clergy
2/1/2022, 2-3PM: QPR for Emergency Service Professionals (1 POST credit available for LEO)
2/3/2022, 11-noon: QPR for Rural & Agricultural Communities
2/8/2022, 2-3PM: QPR for School Settings
2/10/2022, 11-noon: QPR Gatekeeper Core (General Audience)
2/15/2022, 2-3PM: QPR for Elder Care Workers
2/17/2022, 11-noon: QPR for Clergy
2/22/2022, 2-3PM: QPR Gatekeeper Core (General Audience)
2/24/2022, 11-noon: QPR for Emergency Service Professionals (1 POST credit available for LEO)
3/1/2022, 2-3PM: QPR Gatekeeper Core (General Audience)
3/3/2022, 11-noon: QPR for Clergy
3/8/2022, 2-3PM: QPR for School Settings
3/10/2022, 11-noon: QPR for Rural & Agricultural Communities
3/15/2022, 2-3PM: QPR for Elder Care Workers
3/22/2022, 2-3PM: QPR for Emergency Service Professionals (1 POST credit available for LEO)
3/24/2022: 11-noon: QPR Gatekeeper Core (General Audience)

Building Resilient Kids During Times of Change